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Gregg -, 09/10/2009 10:00 AM
Notes on http services

= Web Application Architecture =

Mulgara is designed to work as an embedded component. The standard distribution includes a variety of build configurations, including a web services application.

See [ this message] for info on how the default app is structured.

The basic idea is that EmbeddedMulgaraServer is the ringmaster, glue code that creates and launches service providers.

In directory src/jar/server/java/org/mulgara/server:

  • org.mulgara.server.EmbeddedMulgaraServer * "main" - entry point for default server? * sets up configuration, options parsing, etc. * creates instance of EmbeddedMulgaraServer, whose constuctor * creates a Mulgara Server instance (a "ServerMBean", which is an RMI server) * creates an HttpServices intance, passing itself, hostname, and MulgaraConfig as args * launches its services (i.e. Mulgara and webserver) via "startServices", which * invokes {{{init()}}} and {{{start()}}} on the Mulgara Server instance * launches HttpServices instance (which maintains reference to {{{this}}} so it can access the Mulgara server instance) * implements SessionFactoryProvider (in src/jar/query/java/org/mulgara/server/?) * reads config parms using MulgaraConfig object
  • org.mulgara.server.HttpServices * no inheritance * retains reference to Mulgara Server instance * creates two Jetty "Http Servlet server" instances * {{{start()}}} method invokes Jetty Server.start() on both servers (does this work? isn't {{{start()}}} synchronous?)
  • org.mulgara.server.AbstractServer implements ServerMBean (?)

'''NB''': I don't see anything in the Jetty docs about how servers get forked into daemon-hood. Does {{{Server.start()}}} fork a child process?

In directory src/jar/querylang/java/org/mulgara/protocol/http:

  • javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet * org.mulgara.protocol.http.MulgaraServlet * org.mulgara.protocol.http.ProtocolServlet * org.mulgara.protocol.http.SparqlServlet * org.mulgara.protocol.http.TqlServlet

Updated by Gregg - over 14 years ago · 4 revisions