




The following prerequisites should be met before this resolver tutorial can be compiled and run:

  • Java

    software, version 1.5 or higher. You can check the version you have installed by typing at a command line:

   Something similar to the following should display:




   If the above does not display, add <JAVA_HOME>/bin, where <JAVA_HOME> is the location where J2SE(TM) is installed, to your PATH (in the appropriate way for your shell). For more information on installing and running Java software, read the J2SE 1.5 Installation guide.
* Apache Ant software, version 1.6 or higher. You can check the version you have installed by typing at a command line:


   Something similar to the following should display:


   For more information on installing and running Ant software, read the Apache Ant Manual.
* A valid installation of Mulgara. See the relevant sections in the Mulgara documentation for more information.
* Basic Java programming experience.

Updated by Paula Gearon over 15 years ago ยท 3 revisions