The following functions are provided in Mulgara by default. Please note that Mulgara also includes the EXSLT functions by default. Other XPath function libraries may also be included through the user configuration file.
Prefix: sparql
The functions in the sparql namespace are provided for completeness. They are not as functional as the built-in functions, as they do not have the same access to the inner components of the query engine, and some data is lost when shifting to external libraries.
- sparql:bound
- sparql:isIRI
- sparql:isURI
- sparql:isBlank
- sparql:isLiteral
- sparql:str
- sparql:lang
- sparql:datatype
- sparql:langMatches
- sparql:logical-or
- sparql:logical-and
XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0 Functions¶
Prefix: fn
- fn:abs v2.1.6
- fn:boolean *** v2.1.4
- fn:ceiling v2.1.6
- fn:concat v2.1.4
- fn:contains v2.1.6
- fn:compare v2.1.4
- fn:encode-for-uri v2.1.4
- fn:ends-with v2.1.6
- fn:escape-html-uri v2.1.4
- fn:floor v2.1.6
- fn:iri-to-uri v2.1.4
- fn:lower-case v2.1.4
- fn:matches v2.1.4
- fn:normalize-space v2.1.4
- fn:not *** v2.1.4
- fn:matches v2.1.4
- fn:round v2.1.6
- fn:starts-with v2.1.6
- fn:string-length v2.1.4
- fn:string-join v2.1.6
- fn:substring v2.1.4
- fn:translate v2.1.4
- fn:upper-case v2.1.4
version where each function was introduced shown in italics
XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0 Operators¶
Prefix: op
Namespace: none
- op:numeric-equal
- op:numeric-less-than
- op:numeric-greater-than
- op:numeric-integer-divide **
- op:numeric-mod **
ARQ Functions¶
Prefix: afn
- afn:bnode
- afn:localname
- afn:max
- afn:min
- afn:namespace
- afn:now
- afn:substr
- afn:substring
- afn:strjoin
- afn:sha1sum
- afn:pi
- afn:e
SMF Functions¶
Prefix: smf
- This operates on sequences and singletons, but sequences are currently unavailable to external libraries.
- The semantics of this operation are not perfectly aligned with XPath.
Updated by Paula Gearon about 15 years ago ยท 6 revisions