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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
213 Mulgara Bug New Normal Error on ORDER BY variables projected away by SELECT clause 02/07/2012 09:37 PM Actions
210 Mulgara Bug New High org.mulgara.sparql.parser.cst.AndExpression contains wrong assertion Paula Gearon 01/05/2010 06:40 AM Actions
208 Mulgara Bug New High Subqueries not supported via REST Paula Gearon 10/20/2009 08:42 AM Actions
207 Mulgara Bug New High org.mulgara.protocol.StreamedSparqlJSONObject.emit() produces improper JSON Paula Gearon 10/14/2009 07:18 AM Actions
206 Mulgara Bug New Normal MulgaraUserConfig uses system classloader for conf/mulgara-x-config.xml Paula Gearon 09/27/2009 06:54 PM Actions
204 Mulgara Bug New High TQL Causing Mulgara to hang (regression from 2.0.9 to 2.1.3) Paula Gearon 09/16/2009 11:33 PM Actions
203 Mulgara Bug New High Mulgara RMI Connection Issue Paula Gearon 09/14/2009 06:23 PM Actions
202 Mulgara Bug New Immediate SPARQL queries with non-ascii chars fail Paula Gearon 09/06/2009 02:49 PM Actions
201 Mulgara Bug New High Accept-Charset HTTP header not honored Paula Gearon 09/19/2009 03:09 AM Actions
199 Mulgara Bug New High TQL Load data encoding Paula Gearon 09/06/2009 02:14 PM Actions
198 Mulgara Feature New Normal SPARQL XML results encoding Paula Gearon 09/01/2009 08:02 PM Actions
197 Mulgara Bug New Urgent SPARQL results char encoding Paula Gearon 09/03/2009 02:43 PM Actions
196 Mulgara Bug New High N3 parser fails on colon Paula Gearon 08/30/2009 11:41 AM Actions
195 Mulgara Bug New Normal Server IO Exception Paula Gearon 08/29/2009 04:45 PM Actions
193 Mulgara Bug New High Mulgara fails to start on Tomcat6 Paula Gearon 08/30/2009 03:37 PM Actions
192 Mulgara Bug New High Mulgara driver throws ClassNotFoundException for org.mulgara.resolver.lucene.FullTextStringIndexException Paula Gearon 08/19/2009 07:01 PM Actions
191 Mulgara Bug New High Search is slow when Lucene writes to disk Paula Gearon 08/13/2009 10:22 PM Actions
190 Mulgara Bug New Normal tql swallows uri fragments Paula Gearon 08/13/2009 10:03 PM Actions
189 Mulgara Bug New High Cascading FILTERs ignores all FILTERs except the last one Paula Gearon 06/26/2009 01:44 AM Actions
188 Mulgara Bug New Normal Zipped N3 files not recognized when loading Paula Gearon 06/26/2009 01:42 AM Actions
185 Mulgara Feature New High Create HTTP tests Paula Gearon 02/25/2009 06:45 PM Actions
184 Mulgara Feature New High Refactor Protocol Servlet Paula Gearon 02/25/2009 06:44 PM Actions
183 Mulgara Bug In Progress Normal project() isn't considered with index selection. Andrae Muys - 03/05/2009 08:44 AM Actions
182 Mulgara Bug New Low Missing Link from http://localhost:8080/webservices/ to http://localhost:8080/webservices/services Paula Gearon 02/13/2009 12:53 PM Actions
181 Mulgara Bug New Urgent Need Authorization for HTTP Paula Gearon 02/04/2009 05:32 AM Actions
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